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final _appKitModal = ReownAppKitModal(
context: context,
projectId: '{YOUR_PROJECT_ID}',
metadata: const PairingMetadata(
name: 'Example App',
description: 'Example app description',
url: '',
icons: [''],
redirect: Redirect(
native: 'exampleapp://',
universal: '',
// enableAnalytics: true, // OPTIONAL - null by default
// enableEmail: true, // OPTIONAL - false by default
// requiredNamespaces: {}, OPTIONAL - null by default
// optionalNamespaces: {}, OPTIONAL - null by default
// featuredWalletIds: {}, OPTIONAL - null by default
// includedWalletIds: {}, OPTIONAL - null by default
// excludedWalletIds: {}, OPTIONAL - null by default


Enable analytics to get more insights on your users activity within your Reown Cloud's dashboard


Used to enable/disable Email Wallets feature.

requiredNamespaces and optionalNamespaces

These values are optionals and, in most cases, not required since AppKit already defines every required and optional namespace internally based on configured networks.

However, if you would want to override that definition with your own, these are the object yout should use.

These are the set of namespaces that will be requested to the wallet you are connecting to.


Allows to override default recommended wallets that are fetched from the API. You can define an array of wallet ids you'd like to prioritize (order is respected). You can get these ids from the Reown Explorer by clicking on the copy icon of desired wallet card.

final Set<String> featuredWalletIds = {
'c57ca95b47569778a828d19178114f4db188b89b763c899ba0be274e97267d96', // MetaMask
'4622a2b2d6af1c9844944291e5e7351a6aa24cd7b23099efac1b2fd875da31a0', // Trust
'fd20dc426fb37566d803205b19bbc1d4096b248ac04548e3cfb6b3a38bd033aa', // Coinbase Wallet


Similar to featuredWalletIds this option allows you to determine exactly which wallets do you want to show. If includedWalletIds is set then only the wallets listed in this object are going to be displayed in the modal.

final Set<String> includedWalletIds = {
'c57ca95b47569778a828d19178114f4db188b89b763c899ba0be274e97267d96', // MetaMask
'4622a2b2d6af1c9844944291e5e7351a6aa24cd7b23099efac1b2fd875da31a0', // Trust
'fd20dc426fb37566d803205b19bbc1d4096b248ac04548e3cfb6b3a38bd033aa', // Coinbase Wallet


Similar to includedWalletIds this option allows you to exclude a list of wallets from the API response.

final Set<String> excludedWalletIds = {
'c57ca95b47569778a828d19178114f4db188b89b763c899ba0be274e97267d96', // MetaMask
'4622a2b2d6af1c9844944291e5e7351a6aa24cd7b23099efac1b2fd875da31a0', // Trust
'fd20dc426fb37566d803205b19bbc1d4096b248ac04548e3cfb6b3a38bd033aa', // Coinbase Wallet