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AppKit has support for Wagmi and Ethers v6 on Ethereum and @solana/web3.js on Solana. Choose one of these ethereum libraries or solana to get started.


npm install @reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi wagmi viem @tanstack/react-query

Cloud Configuration

Create a new project on reown Cloud at and obtain a new project ID.

Don't have a project ID?

Head over to Reown Cloud and create a new project now!

Get startedcloud illustration


For a quick integration, you can use the createAppKit function with a unified configuration. This automatically applies the predefined configurations for different adapters like Wagmi, Ethers, or Solana, so you no longer need to manually configure each one individually. Simply pass the common parameters such as projectId, chains, metadata, etc., and the function will handle the adapter-specific configurations under the hood.

This includes WalletConnect, Coinbase and Injected connectors, and the Blockchain API as a transport

On top of your app set up the following configuration, making sure that all functions are called outside any React component to avoid unwanted rerenders.

import { createAppKit } from '@reown/appkit/react'

import { WagmiProvider } from 'wagmi'
import { arbitrum, mainnet } from '@reown/appkit/networks'
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { WagmiAdapter } from '@reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi'

// 0. Setup queryClient
const queryClient = new QueryClient()

// 1. Get projectId from
const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID'

// 2. Create a metadata object - optional
const metadata = {
name: 'AppKit',
description: 'AppKit Example',
url: '', // origin must match your domain & subdomain
icons: ['']

export const networks = [mainnet, arbitrum]

// 3. Create Wagmi Adapter
const wagmiConfig = new WagmiAdapter({
ssr: true,

// 4. Create modal
adapters: [wagmiConfig],
networks: [mainnet, arbitrum],
features: {
analytics: true // Optional - defaults to your Cloud configuration

export function AppKitProvider({ children }) {
return (
<WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>{children}</QueryClientProvider>

Trigger the modal

To open AppKit you can use our web component or build your own button with AppKit hooks. In this example we are going to use the <w3m-button> component.

Web components are global html elements that don't require importing.

export default function ConnectButton() {
return <w3m-button />

Learn more about the AppKit web components here

Smart Contract Interaction

Wagmi hooks can help us interact with wallets and smart contracts:

import { useReadContract } from 'wagmi'
import { USDTAbi } from '../abi/USDTAbi'

const USDTAddress = '0x...'

function App() {
const result = useReadContract({
abi: USDTAbi,
address: USDTAddress,
functionName: 'totalSupply'

Read more about Wagmi hooks for smart contract interaction here.

Video Tutorial